The Mata Vaishno Devi blog tries to provide information related to Mata Vaishno devi yatra including real photos, trains & buses to Katra, weather, address, location, contact number and more.
Our motto is just to share opinion about Mata Vaishno devi yatra and to provide a platform to all devotees to share their Yatra experience through comments on our articles.
Important Note: This blog ( is not affiliated with Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board. So, we don’t have any relation with Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine board official website.
You can leave your comments on our articles to help other Mata Vaishno Devi devotees also.
The information provided here is taken from trusted sources on the internet and on our experience basis. So, the information provided here is just for general purposes and can’t be used for legal or other purposes.
Chalo Bulawa Aaya Hai Mata ne Bulaya Hai, Jai Mata Di
Thank you