If you are planning a religious tour to Mata Vaishno Devi holy shrine then you have come to the right place. You might be curious to know the total distance between Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra (SVDK) railway station to Mata Rani Bhawan (temple).
Because you need to start your journey by walking from Katra railway station to Mata Vaishno Devi temple. Katra (SVDK) railway station is situated in Jammu & Kashmir union territory of India.
Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra (SVDK) railway station
Katra railway station is also known as Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra (SVDK) railway station. Millions of travelers reach Mata Vaishno Devi temple every month by using the SVDK railway station from all over India.
Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra (SVDK) railway station is the nearest railway station to Mata Vaishno Devi temple. SVDK railway station belongs to the Firozpur division of Northern Railway zone in Jammu and Kashmir.
It is situated in Katra city in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir Union territory of India.
Katra railway station to Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan distance
Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra railway station to temple distance is about 10kms one way. And Bhairon baba temple is 2Kms far on uphill from Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan.
Katra railway station (SVDK) is the point where you need to leave the train and start your holy journey to Mata Vaishno Devi temple by foot.
You can also reach BanGanga from Katra railway station (SVDK) by auto rikshaw. And the distance between Katra railway station to Banganga river is about 5Kms.
Banganga river is the place from where your actual uphill journey starts which you need to cover by foot or you can book a horse or palki if you are unable to climb the hill.
How to reach Mata Vaishno Devi from Katra
First of all, you need to reach Shri Mata Vaishno devi Katra (SVDK) railway station by train. Now if you have reached Katra railway station then you have to start your holy journey to Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan on foot.
And the total one-way distance is about 10Kms from Katra to Mata Vaishno devi temple. You will go through these places while reaching Mata Vaishno Devi temple from Katra.
Note: You need to collect RFID Yatra access card from Yatra registration counter available at Katra Bus stand, railway station, Niharika complex, counter no. 02, Serli helipad and Vaishnavi Dham Jammu & Jammu Airport.
- Collect RFID Yatra access card from any Yatra registration counter nearby.
- Reach BanGanga from Katra railway station by Autorickshaw which may cost you 210 rupees for 4 people.
- You can also reach Banganga by walk as the distance is about 5Kms only.
- Your actual holy journey starts after checking your Yatra access card at Banganga check point.
- Now you will start uphill toward Mata Vaishno Devi temple.
- About 5Kms from Banganga river you will reach Indraprastha.
- You can go towards Ardhkuwari about less than 1Kms from Indraprastha or you can continue the holy journey toward Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan which is further 5.5Kms from Indraprastha.
- You can also go to Ardhkuwari and book Ardhkuwari cave ticket free of cost at counter number 2 at Ardhkuwari.
- The waiting time for Ardhkuwari cave after booking the free tickets is a few hours to 1-2 days depending on the rush.
- So, if the waiting time is high, you can proceed further to Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan.
- You can come back to Ardhkuwari later after the completion of darshan of Mata Vaishno Devi and Bhairon baba, till the time you’re waiting time will be over.
- After the completion of 10Kms of total uphill, you will be able to see the Mata Vaishno Devi temple.
- You can buy prasad from here and deposit your phone, shoes, belt, smartwatches, wallet and luggage, as these things are not allowed in Mata Vaishno devi Bhawan.
- After the completion of Mata Vaishno Devi Darshan, you can proceed to see the Bhairon baba temple which is 2Kms far from Mata Rani Bhawan.
- The total uphill from Katra railway station to Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan takes about 6-7 Hrs.
Note: You may have to wait in queue near Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan from few minutes to 15-20hrs depending on the rush on the particular day.
Photos of Mata Vaishno Devi Yatra

Infographics of Mata Vaishno devi yatra